

2.4. Discard Unused Blocks Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

2.4. Discard Unused Blocks. Batch discard and online discard operations are features of mounted file systems that discard blocks not in use by the file system.

Chapter 23. Discarding unused blocks

Enabling online block discard. You can perform online block discard operations to automatically discard unused blocks on all supported file systems.

ext4之discard 原创

2021年1月7日 — linux系统盘ssd,Linux系统下如何使用SSD固态硬盘. Linux下的trim支持叫discard,现在ext4和xfs都支持(btrfs应该也支持),内核需要>=2.6.37,xfs的支持 ...

linux discard mount option

总之,discard 挂载选项是一种可以提高闪存设备性能的选项,但在使用时需要注意文件系统的支持以及读写性能与设备寿命之间的平衡。

Postfix discard mail delivery agent

The discard(8) delivery agent pretends to deliver all recipients in the delivery request, logs the next-hop domain or host information as the reason for ...


blkdiscard is used to discard device sectors. This is useful for solid-state drivers (SSDs) and thinly-provisioned storage. Unlike fstrim(8), this command is ...

Is mounting with "discard" needed for TRIM?

2021年5月16日 — If the filesystem is mounted with discard , then deleting files will automatically cause the TRIM command to be issued.

Discard over USB

2023年10月8日 — The mount option is called discard, the fstrim command does the same thing but not as it happens. Both inform the underlying block device about ...

软件RAID 0上开启discard导致数据损坏

在数周前进入[core] 仓库的当前Linux 内核(4.0.2+, LTS 3.14.41+)受到一个bug 的影响,会导致位于软件 RAID 0 阵列上用 discard 选项挂载的文件系统中出现数据损坏。

Linux 下启用SSD TRIM 功能

为了解决性能退化问题,Linux 操作系统支持发送discard 请求来通知存储器哪些block 不再使用。 检测SSD 是否支持TRIM. 可以通过/sys/block 下的信息来判断SSD 支持TRIM, ...